Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Welcome, newbies, and next meeting

Hi new faces! We hope you can make it to the next meeting, which will now be back to our original TUESDAY evening, the last of the month, at 6:30. We're reading THE GIRLS WHO WENT AWAY (see link to the side). Who wants to host? I could, because my husband has class late, so he wouldn't have to hide in the other room. But I am certainly not wedded to hosting.


meredithmorgan said...

I would love to join your book group. I love to read and meet new people. See you at the next meeting! Meredith

Unknown said...

Hi there! Are you still taking new members? I've just moved to Philly from Boston and I miss having a regular book club! I'm a postdoc at Penn, married, 30 years, female. Your list so far sounds great. Let me know if that seems to work for you all. Thanks! -Priya

Unknown said...

Oh, P.S: My email address is roshpri@gmail.com. :) thanks. - Priya

Unknown said...

Hello everyone! I am also excited about joining the book club and cannot wait to meet everyone.