Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year New Look

I've made a few changes to the page. I hope everyone likes them. I was trying to put every one's names up as contributors and I have removed some people that are not contributing. If your name is not up there I promise it will be soon. I'm also going to go through the email list and make a more finalized list with people that actually want to come to the meetings.

Its too bad more of you couldn't make it to tonight's meeting. Meridith put out quite a spread of goodies. Thank you Meridith. Anita offered to host the meeting. She will let us know where and when closer to the end of the month. Hopefully this month more of us will be able to attend.

This months book is kinda hard to get, not available in stores. So place your orders now on Amazon.com or BarnesandNoble.com.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Happy Reading!

1 comment:

lisab said...

I love the new look Sarah! Perfect for the new year. I'm sorry I missed the last meeting... I just finished the book and thought it was so funny. A welcome light read during a very busy month.