Thursday, June 26, 2008


We had a great meeting this week, and finally got to meet Faezeh! Welcome, and thanks for coming! I've got a guest blog to post (as soon as I send the questions to our last great author!) but for now, onward to the next books. We were talking about how we felt that we'd missed out on a lot of classics that we "should" have read in our youth, so this will be the first month of trying to catch up on a classic and read a contemporary book simultaneously. Sarah recommended Loser Goes First, a memoir of an awkward and eternally unsuccessful thirty-something who seems to miss every boat with aplomb. All My Sons, one of Henry Miller's more successful plays, follows the story of two families as the fathers get rich manufacturing faulty airplane parts during World War II. One goes to jail and the other remains free, and bitter conflict goes on to poison the next generation.

Stay tuned for Laurie Viera Rigler!

1 comment:

Faezeh said...

It was really great meeting all ofyou girls, I had a wondeful time:)Looking forward to the next meeting :D