Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New book!!

Still missed a lot of you at tonight's meeting, but Sarah, Lisa and Kristen I had a great time with you ladies!! If you missed it, we decided on a no-brainer bit of fluff for this month's book- contrary to our club regulations but in perfect accordance with the beach weather! :D So our new book is.... Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict by Laurie Viera Rigler. List price $14 for paperback... I got mine at Borders on the buy one get one half off table- or its only $6.99 hardcover on Amazon! Sweet! Here's the link. I am gonna try to change the sidebar but I'm not sure I know how so... if I don't figure it out, would someone with more knowhow help me? :)


Also, if you weren't there tonight, I am going to be gone most of the summer but will be keeping up with the club via the blog. I will post my thoughts on the month's book on the day of the meeting and you can read it (or not) if you feel like it... if I haven't met you yet I look forward to meeting you in September!


Sarah said...

yeah new book!! I WILL read this whole book...promise. Thank you kristen for bringing the Rum. It was nice to relax and hear about how good the book was.

kristen said...

I fixed it for ya. I enjoyed the meeting too! See you cats in June.

lisab said...

I will also be sure to have finished the book in time! Thanks again to Mandy and Kristen for holding back on details that I'm sure you were hoping to discuss. That kind of ruins the point of a book club!