Thursday, April 10, 2008

Questions and Comments

Get to know you questions:
I think it would be a good idea for each of us to come with at least 3 questions who's answers would give a good sense of their personality. We can put every one's questions in a hat and go around drawing a question and answering it. I think that along with name, age, and birthplace is a good place to start.
Book questions:
This is my first attempt at a book club. I was not aware of the question/discussion part. I'm excited.

I don't want to give anything away because I don't know how far others have gotten. BUT... I just finished reading foot binding and my feet are in pain just thinking about what those poor girls had to go through. I remember learning about foot binding in high school history classes and seeing binding shoes in museums. But the description is so painful. I am between a size 10 and 11 (depending on the shoe) and to think that the would have to be bound to about the size of my thumb is horrifying. I do understand that my 5'11'' stature would not have existed in 1800s China. But the idea is just mind boggling. All of the possible physical problems and even death that could come from binding. These are the things about cultures that amaze me.

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